Originally opened decades ago as a tiny hardware store in downtown Meriden, CT, Colony Hardware has outgrown it's space more than once. With about 30 locations throughout the east coast and midwest - and growing every day! - Colony is now a leading provider of tools, supplies and safety products to the construction industry. Beyond their broad-based expertise in jobsite tools and products, and their straight-line vision of the importance of customer service and satisfaction, one of Colony’s most valuable sales tools is their product catalog. Since its first edition in 1994, the Colony Catalog has nearly tripled in content, and it is relied upon by their dedicated customers for its comprehensive nature. We have been fortunate to have played a key role in the catalog’s content-building, design and production over the years, and took the opportunity near the completion of a recent edition to design a promotional poster to be displayed in select locations. Because of the previously mentioned comprehensiveness of the catalog, it is nearly considered a “prized possession” by tools and supplies purchasers, prompting this concept of our customer “hero” fighting for his cherished copy. Fun to do, but more importantly, proud to be associated with Colony for so many years!